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Roll Deep ft Camille: 'All Or Nothing'
Date: 30th Jun 2013 | Client: Portabello
As I write this, it's currently June 17th and already this summer, one of the tunes of the summer is Roll Deep feat. Camille - All Or Nothing....... as I took the link from You Tube, of the 100's of comments, the top one was "tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuune" and after a bit of scrolling, I found this...... "Who is the HOT singer at 1min 16, she's got a great voice and smokin' body"........ well, that hot 'singer' is Shelby, one of our hot TT members. Also throughout the video is our other hotties Alexa & Gina amongst others! Filmed in Essex's finest, The Sugar Hut - home to the cast of TOWIE (hence Lauren Pope making a token appearance), this brilliant track is full of Talent Talks members including our 3 leading ladies who had to lip synch the song, so sorry You Tube commenter person, they aren't singers, but they are bloody good lip synchers!