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Fat Boy Slim: 'Eat Sleep Rave Repeat'
Date: 6th Oct 2013 | Client: Good Egg
Shoot Gallery

Yes - This event actually happened!
"I take off my hat and trousers to everyone who competed. It was brutal, it was emotional and no-one died.... Norm x "
This brilliant Music Video was actually a real life Dance Marathon with a BIG Cash Prize - everything that you see in the Music Video for "Eat Sleep Rave Repeat" is real, it actually happened, no one is acting in anyway whatsoever. Here is a message from the Slimboy himself:
"I take off my hat and trousers to everyone who competed. It was brutal, it was emotional and no-one died.... Norm x "
Nope, no one did die Norman (that in itself is a relief) as people were literally dancing NON STOP for over 10 hours. Talent Talks provided all the dancers, all the entrants, all the judges and party poopers. And if you were wondering, Stefan's head needed stitches, but he survived!