We are looking for someone aged 50+ who has had a career change later in life for a short video shoot taking place Monday 13th January.

We are working with a well known insurance company on creating several short videos for social media that are aimed at tackling 'cancel culture' and encouraging conversation around typically-considered awkward topics (i.e., asking people about a disability they may have or asking a woman in a high seniority position about her experiences with sexism in the workplace. 

The person we are hoping to cast is someone who has had a career change later in life and is 50+. This person will provide the viewpoint of an older person working in an industry where they may not have the experience that younger people in the same industry have.

Most important is that this person comes across well on camera and has charisma/is quite funny. It is also important that they have a fairly normal job where they work as part of a team and have stories about being an older person who has had a later-in-life career change. 

London location 

Payment £400 (all inclusive of usage) 

Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a self-tape. We will send over details if you are shortlisted. 

Payment is subject to Talent Talks commission, this being 15% for subscribed Talent Talks members and 20% for non-subscribed Talent Talks members.

This is an OPEN POST, so anyone can apply. If you are a subscribed member or you have a profile already you will be able to apply for this job post.

If you do not have a profile with us, not a problem, at all. All you need to do is follow the below instructions:

Click here and this will allow you to create a profile, please add your photos to it and complete the profile as much as possible. Please then make sure you APPLY for this job post. So you'll need to find it on the jobs page and APPLY.

You MUST apply for the job AFTER creating a profile if you are new to the Talent Talks website.


  • Location: London
  • Payment: £400
    Check Commission Rates
  • Job category: Short Video
  • Age: 50+
  • Shoot Date: 13/01/2025
  • Posted: N/A

How To Apply

  • Deadline 13/01/2025

This is an open posting

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