White female actress aged 20-35 wanted for a main role in a feature film shoot.

Here is a list of must haves to be eligible for this role:

White female

Must have a British accent

Looks aged between 20-25

Acting CV or acting experience

This is a lead role so you MUST have good acting experience to apply for this role. This is a British psychological thriller which involves alot of emotion and sensitive topics so please only apply if you have the experience or feel you're suited.

You will have to audition for this role if shortlisted. We will consider actors who have studied at film school or acting school but maybe don't have a long list of credits.

The shoot will tka eplace on multiple dates commecing from the 16th October. Exact dates TBC but we estimate around 10 days of filming.

Payment for the role is £400 per day, exact call times TBC.

Sound like you? If so, apply ASAP!

NOTE - If you don't answer the questions when applying your application will not be looked at.

Payment is subject to Talent Talks commission, this being 15% for subscribed Talent Talks members and 20% for non-subscribed Talent Talks members.


  • Location: London
  • Payment: £400 per day
    Check Commission Rates
  • Job category: Lead Role Feature Film
  • Age: 20-35
  • Shoot Date: 16/10/2024
  • Posted: N/A

How To Apply

  • Deadline 16/10/2024

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